Some people prefer to be home for the holidays, while others travel and celebrate at exciting new destinations. If you like to get away to enjoy the yuletide season, Dover, New Hampshire is the place to be. The beautiful Seacoast area is bristling with energy during the holidays and it’s not just because of the cold weather! This year there are more events scheduled than ever, so bring the family and prepare for some fun. From dance to puppetry, there is never any shortage of fine arts entertainment in the very eclectic Seacoast area. The University of New Hampshire will feature aerial dance, musical theater and puppetry performances during December while holiday bazaars line the streets of the city. You will be happy that you chose the great city of Dover to host your holiday celebration.

After your busy day of fun, settle in at the beautiful Silver Fountain Inn and Tea Parlor on Silver Street in downtown Dover. This majestic three-story Victorian style bed and breakfast was built during the post Civil War era. At first sight, you will be propelled back in time as you take in the Silver Fountain Inn’s vintage New England elegance and style. The Italian carved plaster ceiling and hand-painted wallpaper glisten in the light of the sandstone fireplace, keeping you warm and happy. Every room is uniquely decorated and various amenities are available. There is an on-site bakery, so don’t forget to order a pastry with your tea in the stylish Tea Parlor. You will always remember your exciting visit to Dover, New Hampshire for the holidays.