Raving Fans of Our Hotel In Dover NH
If you're searching for Dover NH hotels - here are a bunch of great reasons to consider Silver Fountain Inn!Recent Google Reviews of our Dover NH Hotel
paige stpeter – 5/5 – Cute cute cute! I felt out of place because it’s very fancy but hey that’s my own fault for only ever wearing graphic tees. The food was delicious and scones! Holy scones! Never had one before, they have sweet ones for deserts and savory ones tgat I got with my summer salad (tasted exactly how you’d expect summer to taste, how did they do that?) There was tons of vintage/Victorian decorations and this one old couch I sat on in the upstairs portion of the building. It had a lot of rooms?? I wasnt sure what was IN any of them necessarily but it’s cool to look around and explore! It was really pretty there, all of the cups and tea pots had flower designs and looked very aesthetically pleasing. Good place to go and feel like a Q U E E N, or a princess at the very least.
Joyce Joy – 3 weeks ago on Google

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